Dr. Steven (Steve) Wyre

Dept Chair Associate Professor, Arts, Humanities and Education
Dr. Steven (Steve) Wyre


Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
University of Phoenix
M.A. in Philosophy
The University of Oklahoma
B.A. in Philosophy
The University of Oklahoma

Research Interests

Metacognition, Critical Thinking, Epistemology, Ethics, logic

Positions Held

2014 - Present
Mohave Community College
Adjunct Faculty
2013 - 2021
Chattanooga College
Adjunct Faculty
2018 - 2019
University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
Adjunct Professor
2014 - 2014
Independence University
Online Faculty

Intellectual Contributions

Exploring the Connection of Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence

Steven H Wyre
November 7, 2023
APUS Arts and Humanities Blog

Test Bank - Introduction to Philosophy

Steven H Wyre
June 2022

Why Studying Philosophy Can be Useful for Aspiring Lawyers

Steven H Wyre
November 12, 2021
American Public University Edge

Covid 19: What Life Lessons Can We Learn From Stoicism?

Steven H Wyre
June 4, 2021
American Public University - Edge

Dealing with Covid-19: Lessons from Epicureanism

Steven H Wyre
June 2, 2021
American Public University EDGE

Why did the Founding Fathers Created the Electoral College?

Steven H Wyre
June 29, 2021
American Public University EDGE

Developing a Functional Moral Compass in Online Courses

Steven H Wyre
May 10, 2021
American Public University - EDGE

What Value Does a Philosophy Degree Have in the Real World?

Steven H Wyre
May 6, 2021
American Public University - Edge

A Philosopher Talks about the Importance of Humility

Steven H Wyre
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 7, 2021
American Public University EDGE

Critical Thinking: How to Develop and Enhance Your Skills

Steven H Wyre
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 15, 2021
American Public University EDGE

Applying Ethics to WallStreetBets and the GameStop Saga

Steven H Wyre
March 4, 2021
American Public University EDGE

Free Will Skepticism and Its Role in Criminal Justice Reform

Steven H Wyre
February 25, 2021
APU Medium

Knowing How to Separate the Truth from "Baloney"

Steve H Wyre
February 23, 2021

The Question of Moral Relativism and Winning at Ethics

Steven H Wyre
February 16, 2021
APU Medium

An Argument for Accepting Late Work

Steven H Wyre
August 21, 2019
Faculty Focus - Daily

Three Tools for Supporting Student Success

Steven H Wyre
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 24, 2015
Magna Publishing - Faculty Focus

Systemic Thinking

Steven H Wyre,Wendy Schweitzer,Raji Gogulapati,Michael Sellers,Tamra Reeves,Amy Adolph,Verta Midcalf
December 3, 2014
Blue Water Institute

The importance of relevancy in improving student engagement and learning.

Steven H Wyre
June 14, 2013
Faculty Focus, Faculty Development

Metacognitive enrichment for community college students.

Steven H Wyre
December 2012
Community College Journal of Research and Practice

Beliefs, Memories, and Learning: Using knowledge of the brain to promote higher-level thinking and leaning.

Steven H Wyre
February 25, 2011
CreateSpace Pub

Critical Thinking, Metacognition, and Epistemological Beliefs: How personal beliefs and thinking about one's own thinking enhance higher order thinking

Steven H Wyre
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 30, 2010
Lambert Academic Publishing

Physical Mysticism: The Brain and Mystical Experiences

Steven H Wyre
December 19, 2005
BookSurge Pub


Use Explainer Videos to Be the "Guide on the Side" at All Hours, Day and Night

OLC Accelerate 2022
November 17, 2022

Perspectives on the Meaning of Life

APUS World Philosophy Day
November 16, 2022

The Influence of Instructor-Generated Video Content on the Quality of Assignments Completed in Asynchronous Online Philosophy Classes

OLC Accelerate 2022
November 4, 2022

Media Contributions

What Is Moral Relativism in Ethics? No Mixing Allowed (WIN)

January 31, 2024
Social Media - Blog

AI – Revisiting Searle's Chinese Room Argument (WIN)

January 5, 2024
Social Media - Blog

Calling All Aspiring Lawyers

APU Edge
November 12, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Why does Philosophy need a World Day?

APU Edge
November 09, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Why Did the Founding Fathers Create the Electoral College?

AMU Edge
June 29, 2021
Social Media - Blog

COVID-19: What Life Lessons Can We Learn from Stoicism?

APU Edge
June 04, 2021
Social Media - Blog

An Epicurean Response to Covid-19

APU Edge
June 02, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Developing a Functional Moral Compass

APU Edge
May 10, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Why a BA in Philosophy from APU/AMU?

APU Edge
May 6, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Critical Thinking: How to Develop and Enhance Your Skills

APU Edge
April 15, 2021
Social Media - Blog

A Philosopher Talks about the Importance of Humility

APU Edge
April 7, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Applying Ethics to WallStreetBets and the GameStop Saga

APU Edge
March 4, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Free Will Skepticism and Its Role in Criminal Justice Reform

February 25, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Knowing How to Separate the Truth from the 'Baloney'

February 23, 2021
Social Media - Blog

The Question of Moral Relativism and Winning at Ethics

February 16, 2021
Social Media - Blog

Certifications and Licensure

January 12, 2022
CITI - Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
January 6, 2022
CITI - IRB Members - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)

Awards & Honors

June 16, 2021
2020 University Strategic Initiative – Catalyst – Learning Management System Migration
During 2020, the earner of this badge made significant contributions to the migration of courses to a new online classroom to improve user experience, promote student-to-student and faculty-to-student interaction, enable a robust mobile classroom, and further differentiate APUS as a leader in online learning.