- Ph.D. in Political Science
- Indiana University Bloomington
- B.A. in International Studies
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Research Interests
Dr. Schnyder's research broadly focuses on transnational and supranational political activity by non-state actors with a focus on the European Union (EU) and North America. In focusing on non-state actors, she primarily examines non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society actors working in human security policy areas, including forced displacement and migration, climate change and environmental sustainability, and food security or food sovereignty. Most of the existing research in this area tends to focus on only a single level of governance, and much of the existing scholarship consists of single case studies or limited comparative research. Her research aims to fill gaps in knowledge by studying the relationship between the domestic, transnational, and supranational/international levels, and the ways in which non-state actors simultaneously use each of these arenas to press their claims and influence the political process. Dr. Schnyder employs both quantitative and quantitative methodologies, including survey research, statistical analysis, content analysis, and in-person interviews. Her research takes an interdisciplinary approach, combining elements from international relations, social movement studies, and European Union studies. She has held visiting faculty and researcher positions at the University of Kent Brussels School of International Studies, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels), and the German Marshall Fund of the United States Transatlantic Center in Brussels, Belgium. She was a Fulbright Fellow to the European Union, and has participated in transatlantic symposia. Her research has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Contemporary European Research, Journal of European Integration, Comparative European Politics, Social Movement Studies, Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, and includes books published by Roman and Littlefield International Press and Lexington Books. Dr. Schnyder earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from Indiana University in Bloomington.
Positions Held
2012 - Present
Rasmussen College
Adjunct Instructor
2015 - 2015
University of Kent's Brussels School of International Studies
Visiting Researcher
2010 - 2013
Independent Research and Statistical Consulting
Statistical Consultant
2006 - 2010
Corporate Executive Board
Associate Director of Quantitative Research
2005 - 2006
Institute for European Studies
Visiting Fulbright Fellow
2005 - 2006
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels), Vesalius College
Visiting Lecturer
2005 - 2005
The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Transatlantic Center
Research Associate
Intellectual Contributions
Global Norms in Local Contexts: Examining Cases of Environmental Governance in France
Melissa Schnyder
Springer Nature
“Understanding Polycentrically Organized Movements: An Analysis of the Slow Food and Fair Trade Movements in Europe.”
Melissa Schnyder
Journal of Civil Society
How Does a Security Frame Affect Support for Refugee Protection in France and Germany in the Aftermath of Europe’s Refugee Crisis?”
Melissa Schnyder
Global Security and Intelligence Studies
Civil Society Advocacy to Address Statelessness: Using Norms to Promote Progress on the Global Action Plan to End Statelessness
Melissa Schnyder
Manchester University Press
Examining Value-Based Framing of Agroecology by Experts in Training Centers in Belgium, France, and Spain
Melissa Schnyder
May 2021
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Using Content Analysis to Research How Norms Are Strategically Used in Pro-Refugee Advocacy
Melissa Schnyder
SAGE Publications Ltd.
Analyzing Norm-Based Advocacy Strategies to Address Asylum on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Europe
Melissa Schnyder
Journal of Human Rights Practice
Advocating for Refugees in the European Union: Norm-based Strategies by Civil Society Organizations
Melissa Schnyder
May 2020
Lexington Books
Constructing a Sampling Frame for a Cross-National Internet Survey of Non-Governmental Organizations to Explore Cooperative Responses to Immigration Politics in Europe
Melissa Schnyder
SAGE Publications Ltd
Norm-based Strategies for Political and Social Change: An Analysis of Migrant Justice Advocacy
Melissa Schnyder
June 2019
Social Alternatives
Book Review: Comte, Emmanuel, The History of the European Migration Regime: Germany's Strategic Hegemony. London: Routledge.
Melissa Schnyder
International Affairs
Does Europeanization stick? National policies and sustained Europeanization strategies by domestic migrant and refugee organizations
Melissa Schnyder
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2018
Comparative European Politics
Book Review: King, Natasha, No Borders: The Politics of Immigration Control and Resistance. London: Zed Books.
Melissa Schnyder
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2017
Global Change, Peace and Security
The Representation of Migrant and Refugee Interests by European Umbrella Organizations: Evidence of Strain?
Melissa Schnyder
Journal of European Integration
The Structure of Diversity among Migrant Rights Organizations in Europe
Melissa Schnyder
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016
Journal of Contemporary European Research
Activism, NGOs, and the State: Multilevel Responses to Immigration Politics in Europe
Melissa Schnyder
August 2015
Rowman & Littlefield International Press
The Domestic Issue-Specific Political Opportunity Structure and Migrant Inclusion Organization Activity in Europe
Melissa Schnyder
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 13, 2015
Social Movement Studies
Migrant Inclusion Organization Activity at the Supranational Level: Examining Two Forms of Domestic Political Opportunity Structures
Melissa Schnyder
November 2014
NGO Cooperation and Involvement across Multi-Level Policy Processes
Melissa Schnyder
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2007
Institute for European Studies
Interest Group Politics in the European Union: Migrant Inclusion Organizations and Political Behavior across Levels of Governance
Melissa Schnyder
November 2006
Indiana University
Joint efforts lead to joint success
Melissa Schnyder
One Europe Magazine
Internal Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
Varieties of Cooperation among European Migrant Inclusion NGOs
2014 - 2014
Funded - Completed
External Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
Food Insecurity, Food Inequality, and Environmental Sustainability in Oak Park, IL
The Jane Goodall Institute
2020 - 2020
Funded - Completed
Visiting Faculty
University of Kent Brussels School of International Studies
- 2015
Funded - Completed
Fulbright Fellowship
International Institute for Education
2005 - 2006
Funded - Completed
Graduate Fellowship for Dissertation Writing
Indiana University
2004 - 2004
Funded - Completed
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship in Hungarian
Indiana University
2003 - 2003
Funded - Completed
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship in Romanian
Indiana University
2002 - 2002
Funded - Completed
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship in Arabic
Center for the Study of Global Change
2001 - 2002
Funded - Completed
Social Movement Communities: Examining the Activities of Leaders of Local Slow Food Chapters in the United States
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 7, 2022
“Coalition Dynamics in Transnational Social Movements: Analyzing the Coalition for a Common Food Policy for the European Union.”
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 14, 2021
Analyzing Norm-Based Advocacy Strategies to Address Asylum on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Europe
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 16, 2020
The Use of Normative Framing Strategies by Refugee Protection Organizations in High Contestation States
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 2019
Normative Framing Strategies among Refugee Protection Organizations in High and Low Contention States
Northeast Political Science Association Annual Conference
November 2018
Refugee Protection in the European Union: Examining Norm-Based Strategies for Change from a Comparative and Multilevel Perspective
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 6, 2018
"Does Europeanization Stick? National Policies and Sustained Europeanization Strategies by Domestic Migrant and Refugee Organizations"
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 7, 2017
Representing Migrants’ Interests in the European Union
International Conference of Europeanists
April 14, 2016
The Representation of Migrant and Refugee Interests by European Umbrella Organizations: Evidence of Strain?
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 8, 2016
The National Policy Context and Transnational Activity: An Analysis of Cross-Border Cooperation among European Migrant Inclusion Organizations
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 18, 2015
The Challenges and Opportunities of Publishing: A Roundtable
Graduate Studies Webinar Series
March 12, 2015
Varieties of Transnationalism: An Analysis of Less Visible Activities among European Migrant Inclusion Organizations
Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference
January 16, 2015
The Issue Specific POS and Migrant Inclusion Organization Activity at the Supranational Level
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 4, 2014
The Issue-Specific POS and Migrant Inclusion Organization Activity at the National and Supranational Levels
Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference
January 10, 2014
Pro-Migrant Networks and a Multi-level Strategy for Migrant Inclusion
Best Practices Symposium on Immigration and Ethnic Relations in European and North American Cities
January 26, 2006
Penetrating the Fortress? The Role and Impact of Pro-Migrant NGO Coalitions on the Anti-Discrimination Policy Agenda in the European Union
American Political Science Association Annual Conference
September 1, 2005
Networking among Pro-Migrant NGOs: Coalitions and their Influence on Policy Effectiveness
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 7, 2005
Panel Chair
Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference
January 8, 2004
“East-West Migration: Perceptions of Economic Reform, Political Reform, and Support for the EU.”
Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference
April 3, 2003
Media Contributions
Opening a Conversation about Statelessness, Governance, and the Problem of Citizenship - In the Commonwealth and Beyond
Online Event Organized by the University of Birmingham, UK
November 3, 2021
Norm-based Strategies as Tools for Activists
Action! A Social Movement Blog
July 10, 2020
Social Media - Blog
Transitioning into an Applied Doctorate Program in Global Security
In Homeland Security
June 11, 2019
Migrants at Sea: A Growing Humanitarian Crisis
In Homeland Security
June 17, 2015
Social Media - Blog
Terrorism: The Rise of Homegrown Jihadists in Europe
In Homeland Security
March 19, 2015
Social Media - Blog
Looking Beyond the Nation-State to Confront Global Environmental Problems
In Homeland Security
August 12, 2013
Social Media - Blog
Certifications and Licensure
October 6, 2023
CITI - Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
December 3, 2020
CITI - Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
October 19, 2017
CITI - Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
January 19, 2014
CITI - Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
Awards & Honors
2024 APUS Faculty Research Grant
Native Fishpond Restoration in Hawaii: Examining the Role of Issue Frames, Bridge Brokers, and Mobilization Dynamics in the Creation of an Integrated Indigenous Movement
2023 APUS Faculty Research Grant
Examining Norms in Regional and Global Advocacy to Recognize Ecocide as an International Crime
January 1,
2022 Faculty Research Grant
How Global Norms are Applied at the Local level to Frame and Promote Environmental Sustainability: Examining Cases of Multi-stakeholder Environmental Governance in France. ($7000)
June 16,
2020 University Strategic Initiative – Catalyst – Learning Management System Migration
During 2020, the earner of this badge made significant contributions to the migration of courses to a new online classroom to improve user experience, promote student-to-student and faculty-to-student interaction, enable a robust mobile classroom, and further differentiate APUS as a leader in online learning.
May 2021
Outstanding Faculty Research and Scholarship Award, Honorable Mention
Outstanding Faculty Research and Scholarship Award, Honorable Mention
January 1,
2021 Faculty Research Grant
How Global Norms are Applied at the Local level to Frame and Promote Environmental Sustainability: Examining Cases of Multi-stakeholder Environmental Governance in France
January 1,
2020 Faculty Research Grant
American Public University Faculty Research Grant ($6500). Project title: Analyzing Value-based Issue Frames in Agroecology through a Study of Farmer-to-Farmer Networks and Training Centers in Belgium, France, Spain, and Canada. 2020.
January 1,
2019 Faculty Research Grant
American Public University Faculty Research Grant ($9685). Project title: The Impact of Normative Framing on Public Support for Refugee Protection Policies. 2019.
January 1,
2018 Faculty Research Grant
January 1,
2016 Faculty Research Grant
This project uses original survey data to assess the impact of national migrant integration policies on the propensity of organizations to form cooperative relationships with specific EU level actors. It empirically assesses whether Europeanization is enduring or sporadic.
June 13,
School of Security and Global Studies Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award
Received the 2015 Excellence in Teaching Award for the SSGS.
January 1,
2015 Faculty Research Grant
My current research project investigates how well supranationally-organized umbrella organizations based in Brussels, Belgium (the capital of the European Union) represent their diverse members’ interests.
January 15,
2014 Research Grant
Investigate the domestic determinants of cooperation among European migrant and refugee NGOs.
January 1,
Inaugural Working Paper
Institute for European Studies
Manuscript selected as inaugural working paper for Institute for European Studies’ newly-launched working paper series, 2007
September 1,
Nomination - APSA Best Paper on European Politics and Society
American Political Science Association
Nominated for American Political Science Association 2006 prize for best paper on European Politics and Society
September 1,
Fulbright Fellowship
Institute of International Education
Researched the political activities of European migrant and refugee NGOs and their methods of policy influence.