Electrical Engineering Resources

test anxiety

Overcoming Test Anxiety: 11 Strategies to Help Reduce Your Stress

Dr. Robert Gordon, CPC
Experiencing test anxiety is a common challenge faced by students across various academic levels. By implementing a range of study strategies, you may better manage your test anxiety and improve your academic performance.
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rewarding career path

Why Communication is a Critical Skill for Engineers

Dr. Bjorn Mercer
In this episode, learn why it’s critical for engineers to focus on improving their communication skills so they’re better presenters and public speakers.
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rewarding career path

Shipbuilding Requires Engineering and Business Skills to Solve Complex Problems

Dr. Kandis Boyd Wyatt
In this episode, American Public University professor Dr. Kandis Boyd Wyatt talks to Monica Nichols and learns how the young engineer relied heavily on her interdisciplinary education in science, technology, engineering, and math to solve both technical and business problems.
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engineering blog

Develop Your Expertise to Seek a Career in Engineering

Staff Writer
A focus on engineering can lead you to a potential career in multiple industries, such as aerospace, telecommunications, defense, automotive, medical, construction and chemical. To prepare you for the demands of a career in these industries, American Public University offers a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
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graduate degree

Engineering Management and the Circular Economy

Dr. William Oliver Hedgepath
Designing products from recycled materials — such as plastic, wood, paper, glass and aluminum — has become a business that needs an engineering management component.
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