Helping Propel Our Airmen

At American Public University, we take great pride in being an Air Force-friendly college. Through our online programs, you can complete your coursework whether you are at home or deployed. We're also committed to saving you time and money by awarding transfer credit for your prior college coursework and Air Force experience. 

*The University reserves the right to accept or deny credits according to the policies outlined on these transfer credit webpages. Actual time to completion will be based upon transfer credit evaluation and eligibility.

Steps to Get Started

I chose APU for the affordability and flexibility of scheduling courses.  I compared several programs and schools and felt APU was the best choice. My experience at APU was great. I had fantastic instructors who were engaged and dynamic. The instructors provided excellent feedback and were very responsive to the needs of students.
David Iorillo
MA, Criminal Justice
GEM Program

We are one of a select few academic institutions participating in the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) General Education Mobile (GEM) program. Through APU, you can fulfill the 15 general education credits needed to obtain a CCAF associate degree.

If you choose to continue your education journey, you can transfer your CCAF associate degree credits toward a bachelor's degree through our Air University Associate Baccalaureate Cooperative (AU-ABC).

Your Degree May Be Closer Than You Think

Let us help you get the credits you deserve. We accept many forms of professional military education, non-academic experience, and training based on guidance from the American Council on Education. These credit recommendations appear on the servicemember’s Joint Services Transcript (JST) or Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript. We reserve the right to accept or deny credits according to policies outlined on our University website.


Preferred Military Rate

American Public University's Preferred Military Rate of $250 per credit hour for both undergraduate and master's-level courses is available to all U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists and military families, including parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents.

American Public University's Preferred Military Rate of $250 per credit hour for both undergraduate and master's-level courses is available to all U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists and military families, including parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents.


Ebooks for all undergraduate, doctoral, and Preferred Military Rate-eligible master’s-level students provided at no cost.

Undergraduate or Master's-level Application or Transfer Credit Fees
Technology fee for all undergraduate courses. There is a technology fee of $85 for all master's-level courses.
The Preferred Military Rate is applied automatically for those who are eligible. The Preferred Military Rate supersedes all other university grants and special rates, and cannot be combined with any other special promotions. Please note that a technology fee applies to master’s-level courses.


Additional Resources

Female Solider Pulling Rope

Air Force students will utilize an online system for requesting Air Force tuition assistance through the Air Force Virtual Education Center. You will apply for tuition assistance through the portal and it will be sent electronically to the University for processing.

Please note that Air Force students must apply for Military Tuition Assistance seven days prior to the course start date.

Learn More About Maximizing Your Benefits
Army Jumpers
Returning Military Students

You can return to your program if you submitted a request to place your program on hold prior to a military deployment or if you did not make any progress on your academic program for a full year.

Learn More About Returning
Top Programs Selected by Airmen

*Programs that are part of the Air University Associate to Baccalaureate Cooperative


A Few Reasons Why We Are #1 APU Removes Barriers

#1 provider of higher education for the U.S. military*
*Based on FY 2019 Department of Defense tuition assistance data, as reported by Military Times, 2020, and Veterans Administration student enrollment data as of 2023.
95% of military and military-affiliated undergrads applied transfer credit
72% Have Graduated With No APUS-incurred Student Loan Debt*

*Alumni Graduated with No APUS-incurred Student Loan Debt

As of December 31, 2021. Includes alumni who graduated with an associate, bachelor's, or master's degree from APUS. Student loan debt is defined as student loans and private education loans used for tuition, fees, living expenses, and book costs associated with courses taken at APUS. Many APUS students receive military tuition assistance and veterans education benefits, which are not student loan debt.

We're Here to Help

Find Your Local Military Education Manager

If you cannot find a representative in your area, please email [email protected] or call


Mon - Thurs:  8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET
Fri: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
Sat: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET
Sun: Closed

Next Steps

Courses Start Monthly
Next Courses Start Apr 7
Make sure to apply for Military Tuition Assistance 7 days prior to start date.
Man working on computer