APU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Applying for Graduation

When to Submit

Students are encouraged to apply for graduation when they are 90% complete in their undergraduate program or 85% complete in their Master's level program. Please see the Application Deadlines section, below, for specific deadline information. The link for the Graduation Application is located within the ecampus under the Forms Menu. The link will direct students through the application process, as well as payment of the application fee.

Applicant Information

  • Name on Diploma - The student's name on their diploma or certificate must match the legal last name APUS has on file. Students may spell out their middle name, as well as add generational suffixes (Sr, Jr, etc.). No prefixes, ranks, or titles will be placed on the diploma.
    • To allow a different legal name on their diploma, students must contact the Record Updates Department at [email protected] for assistance with updating their name on file. Once updated, students may then proceed with applying for graduation, or contact the Graduations Office ([email protected]) to update their name if an application has already been submitted. All changes must be made before the student's conferral or certificate award date.

Application Deadlines for Degree Conferral

A student's Graduation Application must be requested at least 60 days before their projected conferral date. Students should select a projected conferral date that is at least 9 calendar days after their last course end date. The instructor's 8-day grading period should be considered when selecting a projected conferral date. An instructor has 8 days to post a student's final grade after their course ends. Instructors are not able to post a final grade for their courses before the course end date.

Application Deadlines for Certificates

If a student is in a stand-alone certificate program, they should submit their Certificate Completion Application as soon as their final grades are posted and all of the courses required for their certificate completion have been fulfilled. Applications for certificate programs must be received no later than the fifteenth of the month for awarding on the first of the following month.


  • For award on June 1, the application is due no later than May 15.
  • For award on August 1, the application is due no later than July 15.

If students do not submit their application until after the 15th, their certificate award date will be moved to a month after the first of the next month.

Please submit a “Certificate Completion Application Form”:

  • Log into the student record and refer to the top navigation bar.
  • Select ACADEMIC PLAN and FORMS at the top navigation bar.
  • Under UNIVERSITY FORMS tab, select All Forms 
  • Select “Certificate Completion Application Form”
  • Complete all required information.
  • Submit the form.

 Questions regarding the graduation application deadlines may be directed to [email protected].