Last Revision: January 24, 2025
Student and Alumni Organizations
Honor societies, professional organizations, clubs, and alumni networks provide students with a variety of opportunities to explore academic, professional, political, social, cultural, recreational, and community service interests. Participation in such organizations allows students to develop interpersonal, organizational and leadership skills in a supportive yet challenging environment.
Before chartering an honor society, professional organization, club, or alumni network, students must follow the instructions found within the student organization handbook. Once the university recognizes the organization, students can organize, join, and hold office within the organization.
Failure to meet the terms and conditions of student organizations could result in the organization losing one or more privileges of recognition, including but not limited to being classified as inactive.
Participants who violate the university’s policies for academic dishonesty, conduct, harassment, discrimination, social media, and community participation may be removed from co-curricular programs at the discretion of the Office of Student and Alumni Affairs.
Student organization policies can be accessed through the Student Organization Handbook.
Academic and Honor Societies
The university currently recognizes 22 academic and honor societies. Membership is by invitation only, offered to those who meet the qualifying criteria. Formal invitations are sent from the Office of Student Affairs twice a year. The following are APUS-recognized honor societies: Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Phi Sigma, Chi Sigma Alpha, Delta Mu Delta, Epsilon Pi Phi, Epsilon Pi Tau, Golden Key International Honour Society, Health Sciences Honor Society, Historical Studies Honor Society, Kappa Beta Delta, Kappa Delta Pi, Lambda Pi Eta, Mu Kappa Tau, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Order of the Sword and Shield, Pi Gamma Mu, SALUTE National Veterans Honor Society, Sigma Iota Rho, Sigma Beta Delta, Sigma Tau Delta, Society of Collegiate Leadership and Achievement, and Sports Management and Sports and Health Sciences Honor Society. For an overview of each honor society, membership criteria, and contact information, please visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
Career and Pre-Professional Organizations
The university currently recognizes 26 career and pre-professional organizations: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Association of Women in Science (AWIS), Conscious Capitalism, Criminology Club, Entrepreneurship Club, Epic Hospitalians, Fire Science Club, Homeland Security Network, International Association for Emergency Managers (IAEM), Model United Nations, National Association of Environmental Professionals, National Security Policy and Analysis Organization, Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, Political Science Scholars, Pre-Health Student Society, Psychology Club, Public Health Club, Retail Management Student Organization, Saber and Scroll Historical Society, Society for Defense and Strategic Studies, Society for Human Resource Managers, Sociology at Work, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS), Technology Professionals Group, The Wildlife Society, and Women in STEM (wSTEM). Membership requirements vary and are specific to each individual organization. For membership criteria, please first visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
Volunteer and Community Organizations
The university currently recognizes three (3) student and alumni volunteer and community organizations: Active Minds, Save the Earth, and the West Virginia Students’ Alliance (WVSA). If a student is interested in becoming a member of any of these clubs, they should visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
Cultural Organizations
The university currently recognizes four (4) student and alumni cultural organizations: African American Learning, Inclusion, and Guidance Network (AALIGN), Association of Latino Professional for America, LGBTQ+ Students & Friends, and the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). If a student is interested in becoming a member of any of these clubs, they should visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
Faith-based and Spiritual Organizations
The university currently recognizes three (3) student and alumni faith-based and spiritual organizations: Jewish Student Association, Newman Center, and Paganism Club. If a student is interested in becoming a member of any of these clubs, they should visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
Social Organizations
The university currently recognizes fifteen (15) student and alumni social organizations: Association for the National Guard and Reserves, Broken-Shield Wounded Veterans Society, Dr. Wallace E. Boston Ancient Order of the Craft, Esports Club, Military Spouses Club, Paranormal Activities Club, Performing Arts Enthusiasts and Practitioners Club, Photography Club, R.E.A.D. Book Club, Reproductive Rights Club, Spanish Club, Student Veterans of America, Students for Life, Women at APUS, and Writing Club. If a student is interested in becoming a member of any of these clubs, they should visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
University Affiliate Organizations
The university currently recognizes one (1) student and alumni university affiliated organization: Alumni Advisory Council. Membership requirements vary and are specific to each individual organization. For membership criteria, students should first visit the AMU or APU Student Affairs website.
For additional questions or to contact someone about starting a new student or alumni organization, students should fill out this short interest form or contact the Office of Student & Alumni Affairs at [email protected] or 877-755-2787 ext. 8264.