APU Student Handbook
In this section

Last Revision: January 24, 2025

Appeals Information

The university allows students to submit an appeal in response to specific actions that are outlined in the table below.

If a student does not see contact information about their concern, they should contact the Student Support Center at 877-755-2787 for further assistance.

Department HandlingAppeal TypeScenarioEligibilityTimeframeAction
Academic Appeals

Course Extension Denial (EDA)

The student's instructor has denied their request for a 30-day course extension.

The student must have completed at least 50% of the assigned coursework at the time of request and have a passing grade in the course.

Appeal the extension denial within 7 days of the original rejection. The appeal decision will be made within 3 business days from escalation.

Submit a course completion plan (CCP) for the remaining coursework and an explanation of the student's circumstances.
Academic Appeals

Grade Appeal

The student believes their final course grade is capricious, erroneous, or unfair.

The student's final grade for the course is posted.

Submit their appeal within 90 days of the final grade posting. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days from escalation.

Submit copies of correspondence in which the student notified their instructor of their concerns, along with evidence from the classroom that supports their claim. 
Academic Appeals

Plagiarism - Single Incident

The student wishes to challenge a single incident of plagiarism reported in their record, or they are currently on suspension for plagiarism.

Not applicable

Submit an appeal of a plagiarism charge within 7 days of the written notification. The appeal decision will be made within 21 days from escalation.

Write and submit a narrative explaining why the student disagrees with the findings of the plagiarism report.
Academic Appeals

Post Course Extension (PCE)

The student was unable to submit the online extension form before the course ended due to a mitigating circumstance.

The student must have completed at least 50% of the assigned coursework and have a passing grade at the time of request.

Appeal for a retroactive extension within 30 days of the original course or extension end date. The appeal decision will be made within 3 business days from escalation.

Submit a course completion plan (CCP) for the remaining coursework, along with documentation supporting the reason for the extension.
Academic Appeals

Post Course Special Circumstance Extension (PCSCE)

The student was unable to submit the Special Circumstance Extension request before the course or previous extension ended.

The student must have a new or extenuating circumstance that can be documented after the previous extensions were approved.

Appeal for a retroactive extension within 30 days of the original course or extension end date. The appeal decision will be made within 3 business days from escalation.

Submit a course completion plan (CCP) for the remaining coursework, along with documentation supporting the reason for the extension.
Academic Appeals

3rd/Final Retake Comp Exam or Capstone

The student wishes to retake the Comp Exam or Capstone for a 3rd/Final Time.

The student’s Program Deadline has not expired, and the student has a 3.000 GPA or higher.

Appeal for the retake by submitting the appeal request form via the ecampus.  The decision will be made within 15 days of the appeal escalation.

Submit the appeal request and provide an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the previously failed attempts
Academic Appeals

Course Retake Appeal

The student has failed a required course twice.

The course must be a core, final, or major requirement. Some general education courses may be considered on a case-by-case basis. A student is only allowed one 3rd course retake in their program.

File this appeal anytime. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened.

Submit a narrative petition outlining the circumstances that led to failure.
Academic Appeals

Special Circumstance Withdrawal (No Refund)

The student failed a course due to extenuating circumstances that prevented a timely course withdrawal.

The student should not have passing grades in any concurrent courses. The date of the course withdrawal request must be within 12 months of the original end date of the course.

Submit an appeal within 12 months of the original course end date. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened.

Submit a narrative outlining the reason for the withdrawal along with supporting documentation as proof of extenuating circumstances. Students using FSA and VA must confirm that the funding source has been contacted to see how a “W” grade could affect future funding.
Academic Appeals

Penalty Free Withdrawal (With Refund)

The student is requesting to withdraw from a course with a full refund or wishes to be granted a retroactive full refund due to extenuating circumstances.

The course must be within 12 months of the original end date.

Submit an appeal within 12 months of the original course end date. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened. 

Submit a narrative outlining the reason for the withdrawal along with supporting documentation as proof of extenuating circumstances.  Students using FSA and VA must confirm that the funding source has been contacted to see how a “W” grade could affect future funding.
Academic Appeals

Maximum Course Attempts

The student has used all (or is close to using all) of their course registrations permitted for program completion to retain graduation eligibility.

The student must complete their program by registering for no more than 150% of their required courses (number of course registrations/attempts) to graduate.

Appeal this rule at any time. The appeal decision will be made within 10 days of the appeal being opened.

Submit a narrative outlining the reason for requiring additional course registration attempts. Documentation is encouraged but not required.
Academic Appeals

Program Deadline Extension

The student has utilized all possible deadline extension time to complete their degree and requires additional time beyond that.

The student should be nearing graduation or have completed a significant amount of their program, and a brief extension should permit all remaining course requirements and conferral to be completed.

The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened.

Narrative/petition outlining the reason for requiring additional time beyond the final program deadline to complete program requirements and completion plan from remaining courses in the program. Students must also submit documentation of extenuating circumstances that aligns with absences from the program.
Academic AppealsReadmission: GPA Below Required MinimumThe student was disenrolled from the university and wishes to be readmitted but does not have the required minimum GPA.The student must be in good standing with student accounts.The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened.Detailed narrative/petition outlining the circumstances that contributed to the current GPA and a plan for academic improvement and government ID or military transcript. 
Academic AppealsReadmission: Legacy ProgramThe student is currently disenrolled from the university and has completed significant program requirements toward their prior program. They either stand to lose credit in a readmission evaluation, the program deadline is expiring, or their original program is no longer offered.The student must be in good standing with student accounts before filing an appeal.Submit an appeal before submitting any readmission forms in the ecampus. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened. (45 days for School of Education students).Detailed narrative/petition outlining the circumstances that contributed to current GPA, plan for academic improvement, and government ID or military transcript.
Academic AppealsInvoluntary Withdrawal or DismissalThe student has been involuntarily dismissed or is deferred for involuntary dismissal due to failure of their first semester.The student must be in good standing with student accounts before filing an appeal.Submit an appeal within 30 days of the written notice of pending dismissal. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened.Submit a narrative outlining the reason for course failure.
Academic AppealsSuspended due to GPAThe student is currently suspended or dismissed for failure to maintain the minimum GPA and is requesting another semester.The student must be in good standing with student accounts before filing an appeal.The student has 30 days to appeal their suspension before dismissal occurs. The appeal decision will be made within 30 days of the appeal being opened.Detailed narrative/petition outlining the reason for course failures and plan for academic success required.